Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Two Tales to Warm Your Heart

This morning's email brought a link to a wonderful story - a story of a life saved and a love found.

It reminded me of the very first "rescue" I took part in before our local rescue even came into existence. Not because the circumstances were the same, but because of the pup involved.

I was a real estate broker and one of my agents had gotten acquainted with an agent from a neighboring town - and it had someone come out that she was a dog lover.

One day he called to tell her that he managed a rental in a nearby town and had gone there today to check the house after the tenants left... and there was a dog tied to the tree in the back yard. Did she want to do something about it?

She told me what was going on and we set out to rescue the dog. By some lucky chance, my big "dog cage" was in the back of my pickup, but we had no blanket.

We arrived at this house to find the most miserable looking, filthy dog you can imagine. The tree he was tied to was surrounded with dust, so of course he was covered with dust. The agent had given him water but he was hungry on top of being filthy.

We couldn't decide what kind of dog this was - he had long, curly blonde hair. Could he be a standard poodle? No, must just be a mixed breed of some kind.

There was a shed filled with clothes the tenants didn't take, so we grabbed whatever looked clean enough for a filthy dog and put it in the crate for a bed, then loaded him up. I have to say that neither of us really wanted to touch him - he was that dirty! But he was friendly and cooperative - glad to have some attention, I suppose.

On the way back to our office my friend called a dog groomer friend who said to bring him right in. She'd donate to the cause. So, we fed him, then took him to the groomer.

Imagine our shock when we went after him a few hours later and found what appeared to be a purebred Cocker Spaniel!

We had him in the office and our secretary asked if she could take him along when she went to pick up her son from day care. Of course we said yes, since we still had no idea what we were going to do with him.

Well, that was that. The day care lady took one look at him and asked if she could have him. She had wanted a golden Cocker as long as she could remember. That night he slept with her son, and they've been fast friends ever since.

That story had a happy ending, as so does this one.

Thank you Carolyne, for sharing your story.

And... Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!


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