Monday, November 9, 2009

Thanksgiving Dog Safety

Thanksgiving can be a lot of fun for humans, but for dogs who are used to their own routine, it can be an upsetting time. They may either have a lot of extra people around or they get left alone, or in a kennel, while their family goes off to celebrate somewhere else.

Your dog may love the extra people and the attention - but if he doesn't, you might want to have a bottle of Feel5ive on hand to help him stay calm and collected. It's the combination of Bach Flower essences that helps both humans and pets through stressful situations. (If you're the host or hostess, you may want to take some yourself!)

Meanwhile, there are other dangers. This article from Dogster outlines some of them, but missed one important one.

If you happen to live where going out the front door is dangerous for dogs, and if your dog becomes upset by strangers coming and going, there's a real danger of him getting outside in the confusion. I know of more than one tragic loss that happened during holiday confusion, and it can sure put an end to the festivities.

Instead of taking chances, why not leave Spot in a bedroom, or even in his kennel, until everyone is in and settled? (And by the way, the same goes for your cats.)

Oh - one more thing. Please protect your dogs from kids (and some adults) who want to grab and pull and tease. It really is a form of torture for them.

1 comment:

K9Coach said...

Such a great post as this is a problem people don't think of until it's too late. More info on Thanksgiving safety for your dog as it pertains to "a safe place away from the open door"....

Have a great Thanksgiving!