Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Natural Mosquito Repellant - Grow it Yourself!

I already told you about buying and using catnip spray as an insect repellant.

Did you know that catnip is one of the easiest herbs to grow, and that when planted near your patio, it can reduce the incidents of mosquitoes becoming uninvited guests at your barbecue?

It's true. And when you dry some of it, your cats will adore you.

Part of the mint family, catnip smells good when you clip it or even brush against it. The only thing to watch is keeping it under control. The plant grows tall and spreads.

Try planting catnip around the perimiter of your dog kennel as well as your patio - your dogs will appreciate the relief from both the biting and the buzzing.

If you're talented, you can also make your own spray from homegrown catnip - so get over to the nearest garden center and pick up a plant or two. It might not be called catnip - it could have some name like Cat Mint. Just search through the mint varieties and you'll find it.

Another great mosquito repellent is probably there in your kitchen cupboard - plain old vanilla. I use the imitation variety and it works fine. I like it because I like the smell and don't mind smearing it on my face and neck when I go outside in the evening. Commercial products give me an instant headache - but vanilla doesn't.

I've read that young ladies hoping to attract a beau used to dab vanilla behind their ears - proving once again that the way to catch a man is to promise him food.

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