Thursday, August 27, 2009

Help Jamaican Rescuers Get Water!

The dedicated workers at Animal House Jamaica have been carrying water to their critters for months now!

Can you imagine carrying water to care for 150 animals? I sure can't.

Following is the note I got this morning, and I've already been to the site to read more and sign the petition. If you have a minute, please join me in helping them.

I write to ask if you can help us publicize a petition to the Prime Minister designed to pressure the Jamaican government into re-connecting our water. Our water was disconnected when the company supplying our utilities changed and the new company does not want to continue supplying us. And with over 150 in-house animals you can imagine what a crisis that has created.

The petition link is:

Anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

RS Brown said...

Hi - I have a new blog at

Its all about making or buying a guinea pig run according to their needs and has references you can click on to go to relevant pages from specialist guinea

pig experts, animal charities and a whole page on adopting a guinea pig. None of the articles are paid advertising.Would you like to check me out re: a

blogroll link exchange?

Anchor Text = Guinea Pigs
Description = Guinea pigs need excercise - make or buy them a good run

Many thanks

N De Bloom