Friday, June 5, 2009

Exercise - the Great Doggie Tranquilizer

You already know about Freckles - my neighbor's puppy who terrorizes my dogs by jumping all over them and trying to kiss them too much.

Last night they were visiting out at the shop when another neighbor came by to visit. When he opened the door, Freckles flew out and came bounding to where Suzie, Pepper, and I were busy feeding the horse.

Freckles doesn't get to run free at her house because her person is afraid she'll get in the road and be run over. So I took her for a long walk in our back meadow - and what fun she had!

She explored everything - the old truck parked off to the side, the hole Suzie dug in her search for underground critters, the scents on the pile of logs waiting to be turned into firewood, and of course the pond.

But best of all - she ran. She looked like a Greyhound in a race - stretched full out and taking 10 feet in a stride. She ran around the pond, she circled the garden, she ran for the pure joy of living.

And when we went back to the shop - she laid down and behaved herself. No pestering the other dogs, no jumping on the people. Good exercise was just the tranquilizer she needed.

I hope he brings her to visit often.

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