Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Some Dogs do love water!

I just came across this cute youtube video on twitter, showing that some dogs don't have to be coaxed to get in the water!

Here at home, my dogs are a bit lukewarm about it. Susie and Ralph like to wade up to their bellies, while Pepper will get in and swim across the pond on a hot day.

But then there's Freckles, my neighbor's young dog. We have a man-made pond out behind our shop and when she comes to visit she heads straight for the water.

Unfortunately for her, my husband diverted the water from it so he could clean out the dead vegetation and once again have clean water. The dogs were getting kind of "goopy" from going in there.

Last time she came she headed out there just like normal, only to find a dry hole. The look on her face as she stood in the bottom was priceless: "Uhhh... where'd it go?"

I called her and as we walked back toward the shop she spotted a puddle in the road created by my garden sprinkler. Just like a small child, she ran to the puddle, raised her front end in the air, and brought her feet down with a huge splash! in the middle of the puddle.

Poor Terry - he had to give Freckles a bath again that night.

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